At Smartsheet, our people, resources, and technology are committed to supporting causes that align with our vision and mission of empowering human achievement and enabling anyone to drive meaningful change.
With the Corporate Social Responsibility report (CSR), we’re putting a stake in the ground of who we are, what we stand for, where we want to go, and how we’re going to get there.
Smartsheet business footprint and financial snapshot
Physical office locations: 5
Bellevue, USA
Boston, USA
Sydney, AU
London, UK
San Jose, CR
Operating locations: 6
United Kingdom
Costa Rica
Total global employees: 3,191
2,676 United States
280 Europe
130 in Asia Pacific
105 in Americas other than the United States
Total revenue: $766.9 million, an increase of 39% year over year
Subscription revenue was $713.7 million, an increase of 41% year over year.
Professional services revenue was $53.2 million, an increase of 22% year over year.
Operating losses decreased
GAAP operating loss was $(221.6) million, or (29)% of total revenue, compared to $(170.0) million, or (31)% of total revenue, in fiscal 2022.
Non-GAAP operating loss was $(36.0) million, or (5)% of total revenue, compared to $(34.2) million, or (6)% of total revenue, in fiscal 2022.
Cash flow
Net operating cash flow was $23.6 million, compared to $(3.5) million in fiscal 2022.
Free cash flow was $9.8 million, compared to $(20.8) million in fiscal 2022.
Total global employees.
Of employees recommend working at Smartsheet.
An increase of 39% year over year of total revenue.
Of targeted discounts to nonprofits.
Featured at the British Grand Prix in July 2023 as our third Sponsor X, STEAM Co. is on a mission to inspire a Creativity Revolution by championing creativity in our schools, work, and lives. To do this, they help stage events in schools and communities, fetes and festivals all around the UK.
DeadlyScience supports remote schools in Australia with STEM resources and opportunities. In April 2022, Smartsheet and McLaren Racing launched Sponsor X, featuring DeadlyScience as the first indigenous organization to be featured on a Formula 1 car.
Smartsheet extended the initiative to the United States Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, in October 2022, partnering with The Hidden Genius Project. This Oakland-based nonprofit trains and mentors Black male youth in technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership for personal and community transformation.
Smartsheet collaborated with photographer Matika Wilbur for a unique artist residency at Seattle Kraken and Climate Pledge Arena. Matika, a member of the Swinomish and Tulalip Tribes, created an interactive exhibition within the arena, immersing visitors in the world of the Salmon.